How to Replace a Letterbox

Posted on by Dominic Poznanski
Posted in Latest news.

A letterbox is a common feature of the front door, so how do you replace a letterbox when it is no longer fit for purpose?

Damaged or Faulty Letterboxes

Letterboxes can be damaged when too much post is regularly rammed in or when someone has deliberately vandalised it. If you are faced with missing parts or internal or external letter flaps that no longer close properly, you might be wondering how to replace a letterbox.

Before you do, there are two points to consider:

  1. Can the issue be rectified with a minor repair?

Sometimes tightening or adjusting the screws or applying a drop of oil can sort out a problem. The screws can be found by lifting the internal letter plate – you should see one at each end. These fix the letterbox in place.

  1. Is a direct replacement the best option?

In our bid to make our homes more energy efficient, it can be advantageous to seal up or fill the hole in your front door. Installing a wall mounted external letterbox provides a viable alternative that doesn’t cause draughts.

Another option is an external parcel box. Many of us now receive more packages than letters, but these are often too large to fit through a standard letterbox. A free standing parcel box could save your packages from being left on the doorstep or returned to the depot.

5 Steps to Replacing a Letterbox

If your letterbox is beyond repair and neither an external letterbox or parcel box appeals, these instructions guide you on how to replace a letterbox.

  1. Lift the inside letter flap to reveal the screws and unscrew them using a screwdriver.
  2. Reaching either side of the door, you should now be able to pull the front and rear sections apart. This reveals the open rectangle that is cut into your front door.
  3. If you are leaving the property, cover the hole.
  4. Take your letterbox to the local hardware shop and find a replacement that matches the dimensions. Most letterboxes come in a standard size, but it is useful to check.
  5. Slot the front and rear sections of your new letterbox into place. Secure them together using the supplied screws, which should fit the holes that you removed the old screws from.

Can you install a Letterbox to a Solid Door?

If you have a solid wood door without a letterbox slot, it is possible to carefully measure, drill, saw and sand the correct sized rectangular hole necessary for fitting. However, we would recommend retaining the integrity of your door and installing a secure external letterbox instead. This is a quicker and easier process, which maintains the security and energy efficiency of your home.

If you have a uPVC door without a letterbox, do not attempt to install one. It is not a DIY project and you are likely to simply damage the door. Why not opt for an external letterbox instead and save yourself a major headache?

Our range of wall mounted letterboxes and parcel boxes come in a range of styles. All are manufactured by specialists in Europe and comply with quality standards. Mail up to A4 in size can be delivered and your post is protected from the weather and unintended recipients in a locked hold.